The Logo
The teapot? We are looking at having friendly conversations. It is also a nod to the kitchen table conversations that have been used to help people to navigate change and sustainability [1]. In North East Victoria they were the basis of discussions about who we wanted as our Federal representative.
The flower? is about flourishing and joy
The Windmill? is a nod to renewable energy.
The clouds? Well that was a surprise that turned up with the final graphic, and was not on my list. The designer used it as a reference to wind. For me it was a lovely signal and a reminder of my late brother.
[1] For a resource see Wendy Sarkissian with Nancy Hofer, Yollana Shore, Steph Vajda and Cathy Wilkinson, Kitchen Table Sustainability. Practical Recipes for Community Engagement with Sustainability., Earthscan from Routledge, 2009. New York.